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    Joe Budden’s Girlfriend Denies Abuse Claims After Ex’s Allegations

    The rapper Joe Budden has become embroiled in a he-said, she-said controversy after his ex-girlfriend, Tahiry Jose, accused him of domestic violence during their relationship.

    Tahiry Jose, who had dated Budden for several years before their breakup in 2014, testified to horrifying allegations in a recent interview. According to her allegations, the same man physically abused her “for hours” at least one time, including being thrown down a flight of stairs and sustaining a fractured rib and broken nose.

    Budden has strongly denied the accusations, referring to Jose as a “lying, failed gold-digger” and all the rest. These wouldn’t be the first times that Budden has been accused of something similar. He has confessed in interviews and his own music that his former relationships haven’t been anything close to civilized. Even in an attempt, critics say he tends to put the predicament of former actions underground by shoving the factor of stability under the rug of personality, rather than being accountable for his behavior.

    Standing next to Budden is his girlfriend, Shadee Monique. She also took to social media denying that she had been on the receiving end of abuse from Budden. She mentioned her five years in a relationship and went out to say he’s never got violent with her. She added on top of this, making the distinction between the general persona he does appear to the public, especially through his podcast’s well-known “antics,” and who is he as a partner in life.

    Shadée Monique speaks about Joe Budden accusations

    Here’s her full statement:

    "I'll never understand how y'all are mad at me for responding to people tagging me lying in the comments saying that I am one of the women who said I've been abused. I simply said that in the five years that I have been with Joseph he has never. I'm not speaking on anyone else's experience that they may or may not have had.. I can say that in the five years never has he ever displayed any of those behaviors. When I say that he's never yelled at me... please recall the monotone voice that y'all see him speak in when it comes to women he has dated while sitting cross cross applesauce lol. The pod and his antics there is not his real life relationship behavior."

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