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Kanye West: “Reading is Like Eating Brussel Sprouts”

KANYEMusic genius Kanye West does not read! As brilliant as this artist is, we might think he’s reading at least 10 books a year, but that’s not the case. According to Rolling Stone, Ye says he does not read books. Guess he doesn’t eat Brussel sprouts either.

“Reading is like eating Brussel sprouts for me,” Ye said.

Kanye is a rebel for what he believes in. If he doesn’t believe in it, he detests it. There is no in between. On the contrary, this furthermore proves his brilliance because how are you that savvy at your craft and business and not well-read? On top of it all, he’s opening a school! What message does this send to his prospective students?

Kanye, Books and Donda Academy

Kanye’s stance on reading is a bit confusing because he just opened a school!
The school is in Simi Valley, California, with only one location at the moment. If the reading issue isn’t bizarre enough, Kanye is also making parents sign non-disclosure agreements, according to Yahoo! News. Although people love and respect Ye for his creative genius, some folks are a bit disturbed about his hasty leap into education. Named after his late mother, Professor Donda West, Donda Academy is a Christian prep school that is unaccredited at the moment. There is a stiff 10:1 student-to-teacher ratio, with less than 12 students per classroom. The school currently has 16 teachers, raising eyebrows for parents since the school does not have accreditation. To attend the school, parents must pay an annual $15,000 for tuition. Sounds like an expensive education!

Kanye’s ongoing divorce issues with former wife, Kim Kardashian, is still unfolding in the media after almost two years. This could also be another reason why parents would be apprehensive about enrolling their child in the academy, on top of Ye not liking books much.

To know Ye doesn’t read is alarming, but we all know that Ye will be Ye.

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