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    Kevin Samuel’s Death And The Impact It Has On Black Women

    The death of Kevin Samuels is a sparking debate as the controversial YouTube and Instagram personality died unexpectedly. He left behind an uncertain legacy. Samuels, known for his scope of Black women and men. Kevin Samuels’ supporters, who agree with his claims on stereotypes of Black women seem to be sad about his untimely death. However, there are his hecklers who seem to be okay with his nonexistence.

    According to NBC News, the controversial Kevin Samuels died at the age of 57 in Atlanta. Known for his spitfire towards a single Black woman making 6 figures with a 13-year-old son on his show in 2020, he is an example of brutal truth. He refers to the young Black  woman as, “average at best”. Then he continued continues bashing her desire to date a man on her level. The question at hand—was Samuels a brutal teller of the truth, or a misogynist who openly hated Black women?

    Samuels’ death is ambiguous as it impacts women in the Black community. The Guardian reports that Samuel’s advice to Black women and relationships is like chewing on glass. Were Samuel’s opinions  damaging or reality checks that won’t bounce? There is a thin line between constructive criticism and outright disrespect and there are some who dangle on each side of the fence. Successful or not, Kevin Samuels found flaws and magnifies them on a popular platform for any and everyone to listen in on. The humorous part about the equation that Black women still chose to go on the show in spite of.

    Kevin Samuels Profited Off of Racy Relationship Advice

    The dismissing of Black women who are 35 and older who are single mothers hoping to find an above average man carries a burden in the African American culture. However, after Samuels’ death, most women seem to feel as if justice is served.

    What can people learn from Kevin Samuels’ antics, even after his death?

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