The beloved show Law & Order SVU, which has been going on for 21 seasons, has just fired writer Craig Gore. Gore has also been working as show-runner for the spin-off show of Law & Order SVU ,featuring actor Chris Meloni. Creator Dick Wolf decided on this decision in early June, based on the post Craig Gore shared with on his Facebook page. After his firing, Craig Gore has been hoping for a second chance.
Craig Gore Post That Got Him Fired
Craig Gore lives in Los Angeles, where there have been both peaceful demonstrations and some looting have taken place in recent days across the city. As well as Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood where Craig Gore lives in.
Craig Gore spoke out on his opinion of the looting and protests that have been happening in his area.
In the comments, he said: “Sunset is being looted two blocks from me. You think I won’t light motherf****** “Think again if you’re trying to mess with my hard-earned property. I’ve worked my whole life for this.” He also included a picture of himself on his front porch, holding a large gun. He captioned his post saying “ Curfew”
Dick Wolf Firing Craig Gore
After the creator of Law & Order SVU saw Craig Gore’s post he made a public announcement addressing the issue on his twitter.
The twitter post says “I will not tolerate this behavior, particularly at this time of national mourning,” Wolf stated, shortly after Gore’s post gained traction on social media. “Craig Gore is being immediately dismissed.”
When searching for the Facebook page linked to Gore, known for his work on “Chicago P.D.” and CW’s “Cult,” it can no longer be found.
Craig Gore Asking For A Second Chance
After he got fired, he went on the record to say the following:
“I am ashamed with all the negative attention that led to the show, my friends and family,” he told the outlet.
“I would love to get the opportunity to work on ‘Law & Order,’ as far as writing in the studio,” he said.
Gore added: “If I could help in any way, of course, I would, but I don’t have that relationship with Dick Wolf right now.”
“SVU” showrunner Warren Leight saying in a recent interview that “Although Gore hopes to return to write his redemption, his hopes aren’t high.”
Do you think that Craig Gore will get a second chance?
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