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Lil Durk Declares No Gang Affiliation, Stands Firm in Muslim Faith

Chicago-born rapper Lil Durk has consistently voiced that he no longer identifies with gang life but is a devout Muslim. He currently posted on Instagram that now he wants people to call him not by being a gang member instead “a man, a father, and a 1000% Muslim.” Moreover, he said no person can be gangster and at the same time lead life with the teaching of Islam. He follows such positive changes in his life.

Lil durk post on Instagram

Durk has also spoken out against gang violence and the glamorization of street life in his songs. Lil Durk has agreed that this could be the case with earlier works, but has explained that just because one writes about their experiences doesn’t promote others to act like him. This is just part of his shift, onto peace, family, and positivity—especially after he lost so many close friends and family members due to violence.

His reaffirmation as a Muslim is also hot on the air and full of controversy, especially after he came out with Islamic-phrase tattoos, which some of his followers have pointed out to be contrary to Islamic teachings. Durk does not care about the mixed reactions and is committed to his faith and the changes that he is making in his life.

This transformation is part of a larger personal journey, which includes undergoing rehab and working towards building a better future for himself and his community

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