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    Meek Mill & Friends Recognize the Fallen Angels

    During the Meek Mill and Friends concert, Meek Mill gave a shout out to the “fallen angels”, including the recently deceased Samir “Trap Street Saddi” Fortune. Among many other young black boys in urban communities who have been killed, including, Snoop and Little Lo, Saddi was an 18-year-old rising artist who had just released his mixtape. On February 9, 2017, thirteen shots were fired through his front door and living room windows and not too long after, Saddi died.

    It’s heartbreaking to see talent, potential and innocence robbed from a person at such a young age, but what’s even more hurtful is to see how many people will celebrate one’s life after they have died. Why can’t we as a community, as a body of people, and as voice of change, support and show that same gratitude while they are living. Some boys who grow up in neighborhoods under distress, feel the need to engage in juvenile activities as a means to make money and support their families, but what if support, faith and belief from a village could change that?

    The number of people who played Saadi’s music substantially increased after his passing, but hypothetically speaking, suppose he got the same amount of plays, if not more, while he was living. Those plays of exposing his music and talent to the world could have possibly changed the course of his life. It could have given him a better one before it was taken away.

    “Everyday a young nigga dies in this city” ~ Trap Street Saddi

    Rest in Peace Saddi. HYPEFRESH gives condolences to all the families and friends of the fallen angels.

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