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Mexico’s Pipeline Explosion Leaves 66+ Dead & 76 Wounded

Tragic news coming out of Central Mexico. A gas pipeline exploded Friday evening which killed 66 people and wounded 76 others. It happened 60 miles north of Mexico City in the small town fo Tlahuelilpan. However, authorities expect the death toll to rise, making this the deadliest pipeline explosion in recent Mexican history.

According to Attorney General Alejandro Gertz, an illegal tap in the pipeline caused the blast. A practice used to steal fuel, it has cost the country unnecessary deaths and billions of dollars. Pemex, the government-run oil firm, claimed 41 daily thefts in the first 10 months of last year.

Before the explosion, Mexico’s military tried to block off the area. But the crowd was too much for them to handle. Before they knew it…it was too late.

Mexico’s new president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, vowed to crack-down on illegal fuel theft. He had this to say during a news conference at the presidential palace:

Although it hurts a lot, we have to continue with the plan to end fuel theft. We will not stop. We will eradicate this.

So, what do you think? How can the country resolve this problem? 

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