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    Monique Finds Wearing Bonnets Outside Distateful

    Bonnets Are Unacceptable Outerwear

    Monique is not a fan of Black women wearing bonnets outside.

    She took to social media to vocalize her thoughts on the staple in Black women’s hair protection. 

    “It took me a moment to say what I’m about to say because I want to ensure that it comes from a place of love and not judgment,” Mo’Nique shared with her one million Instagram followers. “Some of you have given me the title of auntie, and I’m grateful for that. But there are times when auntie needs to have a heartfelt conversation with her loved ones and speak the truth.”

    Monique Wants You to Comb Your Hair, Leave the Bonnet

    While on a trip to Jackson, Mississippi for a gig, she was floored. She couldn’t count how many “young sistas” she saw wearing “head bonnets, scarfs, slippers pajamas, [and] blankets wrapped around them” at the airport

    “I’ve noticed it not only at the airport but also at the store, the mall, and other places,” Mo’Nique expressed. “When did we lose our sense of pride in how we present ourselves? When did we forget the importance of looking presentable when we step out of our homes?”

    Take Pride in Keeping Yourself Up

    In fact, Monique did not imply that women needed to be all dolled up. However, they should run a comb through their hair before walking out the door.

    “I’m not saying you lack pride, but the way you present yourself should reflect it without needing others to inquire,” she continued. “It’s not about attracting a partner; it’s about how you represent yourself, my dear ones.”

    Mo’Nique urged women to consider her message as a “friendly reminder,” expressing her intention to intervene if she encountered them “in public, at the airport, at Walmart, wearing a bonnet and slippers, looking disheveled.”

    “Auntie Nikki ‘gon tap you and say, ‘Hey baby girl, show you what you’re worth, show you what you deserve.”

    Monique seems to be reminding Black women to hold themselves to a higher standard. It’s important to remember that some people do judge a book by its cover. 

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