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Superstar Rapper NBA Youngboy Ties The Knot, Gets Married In Utah

Brace yourselves. There is about to be an overflow of weddings in the black community. We all know how the youth likes to copy their favorite rappers. NBA Youngboy has to be one of the most influential younger rappers(if not the most) that are out right now. He recently married his girlfriend, Jazz, something no one expected.
No Destination Wedding
The young couple reportedly tied the knot this past week in Utah. This was the best they could do location-wise, as Youngboy was still on house arrest. But I can imagine that they made the most of their situation, and still had a beautiful ceremony.

As someone who has been listening to Youngboy since 2018, it’s amazing to see his growth as a person. His Achilles heel has always been his maturity. So many of his arrests and incidents could’ve easily been prevented. But now, in 2023, it’s obvious he’s been evolving and taking the steps to hopefully be a model citizen.

Some say his decision to get married is overdue, as he already has 10 kids. I always believed in the “when the time is right, you’ll know” mindset when it comes to marriage. It just took years of his development to get where he’s at today.

Watch Out For Yaya

Other than the typical congratulations, I do want to warn Youngboy that he better be careful, though. We all know his ex, Yaya Mayweather, isn’t afraid to stab someone in the name of love.

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