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Punk A** Cops Shot Black Man In Kenosha Wisconsin

Cops in Kenosha Wisconsin shot Jacob Blake in the back in front of his children!

The Police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha Wisconsin is the latest example of Punk A** cops. Protests have broken out, and the citizens were chanting, ” We won’t back down,” as cops don’t seem to get it.

To the millions of brave individuals who put on a police uniform across this country who genuinely seek to serve and protect, thank you. That statement feels necessary because the title, but the truth is that the cops who shot Jacob Blake are cowards. Often when criticizing police, “patriots” feel the need to defend blue lives. Yet, fail to make the apparent observations that some blue lives are racist white lives at home.

The continual shooting of an unarmed black man is direct proof of such a statement. If cops were unaware of the inequity of treatment towards black men, they are not after George’s Floyd.

Riots, protests, community meetings, athletes wearing social injustice messages, none of it is making a difference.

To the people who are upset, the title reads punk A** cops know that term only applies to cops who shoot anyone unarmed. Look up the cases of police brutality excluding race and a common theme exist; it’s just that black men got it worse.

What are your thoughts on the Police Shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin?

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Lastly well wishes for Jacob Blake

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