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Rick Ross Accuses Lil Yachty of Penning Drake’s Hits!

Rick Ross just lit a fire under Drake, accusing Lil Yachty of secretly writing his hit songs.

Yes, you heard it right. Rick Ross is accusing Lil Yachty that he is Drake’s top-secret song plug, the one responsible for all those hits. Apparently, Rick Ross got excited when a Drake song called “Jumbotron Shit Poppin” more than a year ago! He took this as his chance and hit up social media like ” Yacht, put your phone on quiet, lil bro. It looks like #BBLDrake is calling you once more !” He also included in the post the hashtag #YachtakaThePen, in other words, implying that Lil Yachty is the one that does Drake’s job for him. It was funny, wasn’t it?

So far, Lil Yachty hasn’t responded to Rick Ross’s accusations. Maybe he’s ignoring the drama, focusing on his own music, or maybe he’s just laughing it off. Who knows?

None of this is new for Drake, by the way. Remember when he squabbled with Meek Mill? Meek Mill claimed Drake had a ghostwriter in Quentin Miller. It became a bit of a PR nightmare for both of them, but Drake insisted that he wrote all of his lyrics, except for his biggest songs, and that he and his producers even wrote the initial drafts of those, to give to the stars.

The “biggest song” could be Jumbotron Shit Poppin’, since Lil Yachty is quickly credited on absolutely nothing. But once again, that’s plainly different from ghostwriting. If Yachty helped write Jumbotron Shit Poppin’, so many of these new singers include featured credits in terms of not ghosting.

So, did Lil Yachty write Drake’s hits? I have no idea. If anything, Drake was paid to perform “copy” to cause a scandal, or, on the contrary, Rick Ross had PR. We will know the truth when the rapper responds to the Canadian. One thing I know for sure — this rap story is just beginning.

What do you think? Do you think Rick Ross purposefully incited the world and the performer, or does this smoke have its “fire”? Tell me in the comments!

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