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Ryan Reynolds Wants Stunts to Have Their Own Oscar

Ryan Reynolds has rallied behind the campaign for the introduction of a special category at the Oscars for stunt performers. He said, “Stunt work is an integral part of modern film production, and it has a right to be recognized at the highest level of industry awards.

It’s the impassioned plea put forth by Reynolds, but one that’s shared more and more in the current film industry, where it’s felt that stunt performers should be included in official recognition for their work and dedication. From spine-tingling performances by the likes of Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd during the silent era to high-octane modern-day stunfests like “John Wick” and “Mad Max: Fury Road,” stunt work has been forever integral to movie storytelling.

The fact that there is, quite simply, no Oscar category for stunts has been a rather bald point with many in the industry for years. Of all the technical achievements honored with categories in areas as diverse as cinematography and visual effects, the sheer physical skill and athleticism of the performers themselves has never been recognized. Reynolds takes it one more step in that direction to address such an imbalance.

But beyond brawn, stunt performers contribute greatly to the telling of the story and the emotional arc of a film. From them can come the thrills, frights, and drama that have audiences gasp. In addition, the increased development with regard to technological capabilities, such as CGI and motion capture, allows for even more fanciful and creative stunts.

The campaign for such a category does raise some important questions-over and above the question of mere safety for these performers. The overall safety standards have improved in significant ways but are still part and parcel of these performers’ profession. Allowing stunt work at the Oscars will also show further just how much they entail, which could put more pressure on the industry so that the performers’ well-being is considered first above other things.

As the film industry advances, it’s important to keep recognizing all of the players in working toward making magic on screen. An Academy Award category for stunt performers doesn’t merely acknowledge incredible talent but registers as an inspiration to future generations in this demanding craft.

Ryan Reynolds’ call to have an Oscar category set aside for stunt performers is a timely and highly important matter in the world of film. This is highly important because, as the film industry grows, the artistry involved through one’s athleticism and dedication to their work in putting their life at risk for unforgettable action should be recognized.

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