Shirley Anita Chisholm is the initial shock of the nation, the first Black woman to be a rebel out loud and proud. Chisholm was the first African American woman to be a Congresswoman elect on November 5, 1968. For Chisholm, this was more than monumental, inspiring her to run for the President of the United States. With most of the nation, especially the south denouncing her efforts, she still made history.
According to NyDailyNews, the Chisholm Cultural Institute will honor the 50th anniversary of her groundbreaking 1972 presidential run. 2022 will invite promotions for voters participation in the 2022 midterm election on Nov. 8. This election will affect all houses, the Senate, the House of Representatives and people all over the country.
In the midst of the Jim Crow eras’ zenith. America found itself embroiled in numerous contentious wars. These encompassed both racial discrimination directed at African Americans. Challenges confronted by women. And a staunch opposition towards achieving equality. Racism still divides the nation 50 years later. Thanks to trailblazers like former Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, we have an African American woman vice president.
Indeed, Ms. Shirley Chisholm still holds the key to freedom even after her death in 2005.
Undoubtedly, Shirley opened the door for equal rights and decent pay for African American people all over the country.
Chisholm: Look How Far We’ve Come, Look How Far We Have To Go
The Congresswoman boldly advocated for the freedom of American American people who suffer bounds systematic oppression and economic violence. Chisholm was an active womanist who believed in women’s rights and was quite vocal about it. According to Congressional Black Caucus, she was an advocator of women, her district and the African American community. She continues to be a powerful voice in politics and the right for Black people to vote.
Despite this, things are still lagging when it comes to voter’s rights as Republicans push to eliminate mail in ballots. This means that a large portion of minorities will not have the means to vote.
With the efforts of Shirley Chisholm, we’ve come far, but there is still a ways to go.