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Skincare Tips And Products For Black Men Now

There is something just majestic about the beauty of a Black man. Tall, dark and handsome, huh? Yes. Black men are all awesome on their own, but y’all need to know that it is a-okay to pamper yourself in some self care. Believe it or not, men experience acne, dark circles and eye wrinkles too. There is a little stubborn old school stigma that debates the Black man and his masculinity when it comes to self care. HypeFresh is here to tell you guys that staying youthful and vibrant isn’t just for women. Today, we want to provide the brothers with a few skincare tips and products that will enhance your arabesque.

Skincare, Black Men, and Being Unashamed

Hey, brother! It is completely fine to take care of your skincare needs. You bear the weight of the world on your shoulders, it doesn’t have to show! According to Cole Skincare for Men, Black men have always been proactive about their skin; however, less vocal because of societal standards.

Thanks to representation, Black entrepreneurs who are passionate about Black male skincare are opening doors. These entrepreneurs are creating safe places for Black men to feel comfortable in their own skin. For example, Menswear Mag lists a plethora of Black- owned skincare and beard products for Black men. They include:

        1. BEAUTY STAT- Founded by Ron Robinson, a chemist on a mission to address consumers’ skincare needs. Their most popular product is the Universal C Skin Refiner.
        2. BEVEL- A world renowned Black-owned project known for their experience in studying the skincare needs of Black men. They produce shavers, skincare, and grooming products for Black men and men of color.
        3. EPARA- This luxury line of products derive from the very soil of Africa. This product protects, pampers, repairs, and moisturizes the skin of people of color.
        4. HIMISTRY- This product is strategically designed for men’s needs pertaining to facial woes such as razor bumps, adult acne and pre-mature aging.
        5. MANTL- Encourages the bald and balding to accept baldness as a natural thing.


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Fellas! Keep your hands out of your face, no picking. Wash hands before touching your face and for you Black men on the road, wash your face as soon as you get off work everyday. Good luck!

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