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Stephen Jackson Leading #IVEHADENOUGH March

Stephen Jackson is taking a stand with his #IVEHADENOUGH rally in Minneapolis today.

Stephen Jackson has had enough and is seeking justice for George Floyd with his #IVEHADENOUGH march in Minneapolis. The former NBA player is marching to the district attorney’s office to “demand convictions.”

“Never been the type to go back and forward with anyone. I just do what needs to done.”

During his NBA career, Jackson made a reputation for himself as someone who was really about that action. From his participation in the Malice in the palace to his off-court behavior, Jacko is hood and proud. Like most men from the hood, though, that doesn’t mean he is ignorant or uncaring. The exact opposite is true actually when people like Stephen Jackson care, they sincerely care, and he cared about George Floyd.

That’s why when he announced his #IVEHADENOUGH march, the texas native made it clear to say in red ink and bold letters.

“we are not leaving Minneapolis until justice is served”

The “All the smoke” podcast host also made a point to challenge the NBA to send at least one player to participate. Minneapolis District Attorney’s are praying to whomever deity they believe that such a thing never happens.

If just one of the top ten players in the NBA shows up to a protest demanding convictions, the DA’s office will face unimaginable pressure. Imagine Lebron James live streaming from downtown Minneapolis chanting with protestors “CONVICT THEM, CONVICT THEM.” The sheer amount of attention such a clip would garner would make this case impossible to prosecute.  Anyone tasked with “Objectively” trying a case of such magnitude has a harder Job then the guy who handles Trump’s hate mail.

Nonetheless, this is the burden the American Government and people have put on Minneapolis. They did it to L.A with the Rodney King Trial; they did it to Ferguson with Mike Brown. Now Minneapolis is forced to deal with the centuries of racial tension black people have built up inside. Usually, people destroy a city or two, a couple of people die, and eventually, things go back to normal.

This time feels different though, #IVEHADENOUGH is how most people think. A popular meme floating around says, “We are not our ancestors,” America should be careful not to assume.

What do you guys think of Stephen Jackson #IVEHADENOUGH march? Is it to much pressure to demand convictions?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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