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Summer Walker Catches Hell for Low-Paying Assistant Job Post

No reason for me to beat around the bush for this article. The other day on her Instagram story, Summer Walker basically told the world she wants a Caucasian gay assistant. Maybe she didn’t say it verbatim. But if you can read between the lines, you can put two-and-two together.

It’s started off with Summer listing very reasonable qualifications, including a proper age requirement and location. But once she start talking about the salary and preferred race, things took a turn for the worse. No way in her right mind did she think that social media wasn’t going to have something to say about this job post.

Very Unrealistic

For starters, 2K a month for an assistant is wild. Maybe for an intern or someone lacking experience, it could work. But let’s be real. That money is nothing to somebody who is already making $20+ an hour on a regular job and still has to take care of their necessities. For that reason, I have to agree with the internet when they said that 2K a month isn’t enough. On top of that why not offer to put money in the pocket of your own people? If that’s what she actually wanted from an assistant, I’m almost certain there are plenty of black, gay, young professional men deserving of that position.

Prepare for Spam

In hindsight, if Summer was smart, she probably could’ve done this job post anonymously through a service. If she did that, she could’ve avoided all of this public criticism. This ad is surely going to attract all the people she doesn’t want. I can almost guarantee that 80% of her email is going to be filled with demos and beats from thirsty producers. Good luck to whoever has to go through all those emails.

From my actual personal experience, I can testify that we severely underrate personal assistants. If you want somebody to devote their time to make sure your life is in order, pay them what they’re worth. If not, you will get exactly what you paid for.

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