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10 Netflix Movies To Watch Before Black History Month Is Over

The final days of Black History Month are quickly approaching and what better way to appreciate the culture than with a marathon of Netflix movies about the black experience. Here are 10 movies to binge-watch this week (in no particular order):

1. Imperial Dreams (2014)

I purposely listed this directly after the 13th documentary because it perfectly illustrates the effect of mass incarceration on the black community, even after serving their time.

Imperial Dreams tells the story of 21-year-old reformed gangster Bambi who desires a better life for himself and his family. After his release from jail, Bambi has to return to his old neighborhood in Watts, Los Angeles; the life he wants so badly to leave behind. Bambi wants to be a writer and a great father to his son, Daytone, but crime and poverty are blocking his path. Not to mention, a very flawed system that is making it nearly impossible for him to rehabilitate.

Imperial Dreams | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

2. The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 (2011)

This 2011 documentary takes a look at the evolution of the Black Power Movement in American society in the late 60s-early 70s. The film focuses on the power of art, music, and activism, including various commentaries and interviews with some prominent people during this time like: Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, and Huey P. Newton (just to name a few).

The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 - Movie Trailer (2011) HD

3. Barry (2016)

This is the story of a young Barack Obama during his college years. Besides further proving how great of a guy he’s always been, the film is something that we all can relate to. The struggle of identity. Finding your place and your purpose in this world. I highly recommend it.

Barry l Official Trailer [HD] l Netflix

4. Mandela, My Dad, And Me (2015)

Back in 2013, actor Idris Elba produced and released the album “Mi Mandela,” an album inspired by his time researching for his role as Nelson Mandela for the film Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom (which is also a must-see on Netflix)

This documentary follows Elba on his journey of “self-exploration” in South Africa during filming, his troubles producing the album and dealing with the death of his father.

Mandela, My Dad and Me - Trailer

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