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The Grammys Kick Kanye West To The Curb

When it comes to Kanye West, the guy has no filter. He says whatever comes to mind, no matter how outrageous it may sound. For the last several months, Kanye West has been very outspoken on his ex-wife dating SNL comedian Pete Davidson. Clearly, he
disapproves of the relationship and even threatened to beat up Davidson. He’s clearly burning a lot of bridges at the moment. However, his online antics have gone as far as the Grammys kicking him to the curb. Looks like he won’t be receiving any rewards this year.

Kanye West Calls Trevor Noah A Racial Slur

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Kanye and Trevor Noah via CNN

It’s become apparent that Kanye West is on a warpath with social media and pretty much, all of Hollywood. After taunting his ex-wife, Kim K, and her new younger beau, Pete Davidson, he’s managed to cancel himself. Though, West took things a little too far after hurling a racial slur at the Grammy’s new host, Trevor Noah. Apparently, the comedian criticized the rapper’s posts about Kim K dating Pete Davidson. Clearly, Yeezy didn’t care for Noah’s two cents on the matter.

Furthermore, The Daily Show host released a 10-minute video detailing the incident. More importantly, he voiced that he hoped society would treat Yeezy, Kim K and Pete Davidson with more respect. Additionally, Noah noted his verbal exchange with Yeezy became “more and more belligerent.” Clearly, Kanye West isn’t a fan of Trevor Noah.

The Rapper Gets Kicked To The Curb

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Kanye via MSN

For years the Grammys rejected the act of fostering inclusion and diversity. Many artists from the hip-hop community have felt slighted by the recording academy. However, some artists just aren’t deserving of an award. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone when the Grammys decided to kick Kanye West to the curb, given his latest online shenanigans. Making matters worse, he managed to upset the Grammys new host Trevor Noah.

Yeezy messed up big time.

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