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Thieves Raid Beyonce’s Storage Unit

Queen Bey has plenty to be thankful for. The 28-time Grammy winner even has a beautiful family. Despite having a perfect life, she doesn’t have the best security system to her storage unit. Recently, a group of thieves raided Beyoncé’s L.A storage units earlier this month. The 39-year-old seriously needs to find herself another storage unit, one with a better security system.

            Beyoncé’s Storage Gets Raided By Thieves

via Page Six

It’s one thing to rob a local grocery store or a gas station. Stealing from a celebrity, though, takes some serious guts. Not only did a group of thieves rob Queen Bey once, but twice. They really had the audacity to steal from the Queen of music? Earlier this month, robbers raided three of Beyoncé’s storage units in L.A. Unfortunately, the burglars stole $1 million worth of valuables from the units. Those thieves raided Beyoncé’s storage unit until it was basically cleared out.

                           Details On The Robbery

via Hollywood Reporter

According to TMZ, the storage unit raids took place a week apart from each other and at the same facility. Even more bad news, most of Beyoncé’s personal items had been stolen during the first raid. The second time, the burglars stole handbags, kid’s toys and photos belonging to her stylists. No doubt they’ll sell it on the underground market. Furthermore, the police have continued to investigate the case. Unfortunately, no arrests have been made yet. Hopefully, the police will catch the thieves who raided Beyoncé’s storage units. Fans will surely give the robbers a piece of their mind.

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