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Travis Scott Drops New Album Hints

With the vast success of his last album, “Utopia“, Houston rapper Travis Scott has already come out to say he is working on a new album. Highly anticipated, the album is given the odds of drawing components from both “Utopia” and “Circus Maximus.”.

Scott proved this, even admitting in one interview, “I’m back in album mode,” which speaks volumes of the serious commitment he has towards these new tunes for the people. From the incredibly large stadium shows to the more low-key performances of the Circus Maximus” tour, Scott has gained inspiration through these events and released new directions in music to give the people a project that really speaks to them.

The most exciting things about the album to come might be an idea Scott has floating around: each track inspired by the city it captured in, thus making it a bit more personal and abstractly different. That was an idea derived from a fan’s suggestion in one of his concerts, and Scott has been toying with the idea as he goes on, recording in different locations all over the world.

On the production side, Scott said he is going for raw and hands-on. The new project won’t be as dependent on loops and pre-made pieces of music like previous albums but will deal with creating the music from scratch. This goes hand in glove with Scott’s pledge to authenticity and originality, so fans will meet a new sound built from ground zero.

Although no official date has been announced yet, the anticipation for Scott’s new album grows by the day. Fans are on the edge to speculate about mere collaborations and other uncanny promotional strategies Scott may have up his sleeve with. The history of the artist in creative marketing, including some exclusive drops and surprise releases, foreshadows exciting and unexpected announcements that will come along with the album.


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