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Twitter Verification Woes: How Artists Like Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj Reacted to Losing Their Blue Checkmarks

Artists like Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj react to losing their twitter verification status. Twitter has removed the blue verified badge from many celebrities and public figures. This comes after an ongoing battle against shady social media behavior. The CEO Jack Dorsey also works to clean up the site. Twitter has a reputation for its plague of fake accounts and bot activity.

A few years ago, Twitter verification simply meant that an account had a large following and wasn’t someone trying to impersonate another user with that follower count. Since then, 

Twitter changed its rules to make the blue check mark more meaningful. Twitter hopes that those who get the check are legitimate, notable, and active.

Artists React to Losing Their Twitter Verified Status

A fan wrote: “I’m so confused. If celebrities no longer have a blue check, what’s the appeal for someone to want one now?”

— | Leading the way (@legitngnews) April 22, 2023

It’s still possible to earn the blue tick on Twitter, but it takes a lot of work. Your follower count is one aspect but now the content you post is another factor. The platform’s guidelines state that your account must have a profile photo and cover image, a confirmed email address or phone number, a biography, and you must be active on the site within the last six months to qualify for the verification process. Artists express their displeasure in their reactions to losing their Twitter verification status.

The blue badge can only be granted to an account that has a “public interest.” In other words, it must be authentic, notable and active. A few examples of this include a political candidate, a news outlet, or a journalist with a big online presence. The public reactions have not bee overwhelmingly positive…

Beyonce and Nicki Minaj Reacted to Losing Their Blue Checkmarks

As soon as it was announced that Twitter would stop counting tens of millions of followers, many people started worrying about the impact it might have on those with larger followings. Beyonce, for example, has more than 87 million followers, which means she’s likely to lose her blue checkmark before too long.

Artists express their displeasure in their reactions to losing their Twitter verification status. Some artists are taking a more proactive approach to their social media use, using alternative platforms to promote themselves. Those like Charli XCX and Billie Eilish have both opted to abandon Twitter. Others like Mitski are finding new ways to promote themselves without social media.

Artists are not happy: social validation

While the trend garners attention, it’s not ideal for musicians who want to maintain healthy relationships with their followers. It’s difficult for some to separate the social media aspects of their lives from their musical careers. Also, it’s easy for a musician to become burnt out and depressed over the amount of time they spend online. Especially when it comes to self-promotion.

This is why it’s so important for artists to be careful with their Twitter profiles. Creatives must steer clear of sharing content that might be deemed spammy or in breach of Twitter’s policies. It’s also important for the artists to keep a professional presence on the social media site, as well.

Beyonce, for instance, has deleted all her profile photos off all her social media channels to focus on music. The move has fueled speculation that she’s going to release new music or announce some special announcement. Looks like Elon Musk still has work to do with his newly acquired platform.

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