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What’s At Stake On Voter Tuesday..Trump…End Of Mankind??!!

We’re one day away from what may be the prelude to the most important time in the history pertaining to North America.

The midterm election is something that cannot be taken lightly by America, as nothing short of disaster has hit since the beginning of Trump’s run in office. With the recent rising reference into racism, and injustice its clear that your voice will mean much more when it comes to the polls.

Tuesday will be the day the people that seemingly don’t matter will have the power in their hands to make a bold statement “TRUMP MUST GO!!”. Scandal, sexual harassment, dishonesty, and dishonor has been at the very front of Trump tenure in the White House.

Not only has Donald been cancer spreading through the nation, but he has also suggested unqualified candidates in seats of power that will help further his personal gain as leader of the nation. As the battle against Republican and Democrat continues, we risk losing much more in the decades to come if the correct choice is made.

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