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When should Grey’s Anatomy come to an end?

Call it, doctor.

After celebrating its 350th episode, ABC ‘s Grey’s Anatomy is looking stronger than ever. The cast is tight, the episodes are sharp, and the acting is excellent. However, Grey’s Anatomy may need to come to an end.

Greys Anatomy
Picture of the many characters of Greys Anatomy.

If you are like me, then watching GA (Grey’s Anatomy) wouldn’t be an option. I didn’t care for it and the hype, it is just another hospital show. Then one day, I gave in. I turned on Netflix and binge 15 whole seasons of Greys Anatomy. It was sad but pleasurable at the same time. You grow with the characters, you have unexpected situations, and out of all of that, you have characters whose relationships you love, both on and off the medical floor. Its just pure, joyous entertainment.

The way the show keeps its freshness is by introducing new characters with their own story. Also, the show mixes action, suspense, and romance so well that when (spoiler) the hospital was under attack by an upset husband or serial killer, you were on the edge of your seat. It’s always a crazy adventure. You have a new antagonist every season or episode, and it can sometimes be someone you least expect to become a threat.

The stories keep you intrigued and curious. It will make you cry and argue with other fans of the series. If you haven’t watch GA, you should. It will be joyous, sad, funny, and all different types of emotions.

Why it should end.

If GA never ends, then ill be ok with that. But we all know that a good thing must always come to an end. Overall, if Greys keep up this level of writing, then it will never end. The only time the show should end is if the writing gets sloppy and starts to lag. As long as those aspects are still in, then the show will be beautiful.

If you agree, then comment below and let us know if Grey’s should end or keep going.

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