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WHO Warns Coronavirus May Never Go Away

With more than 4.3 million cases and 300,000 reported deaths, the coronavirus is not something to mess around with. What started out in one country has now expanded it to every point on the planet. There’s even infiltrated the White House, which is very ironic considering how much they’ve been telling people to go back to work. At the rate things are currently going scientist are predicting that the coronavirus may never actually go away.

WHO Warns Coronavirus May Never Go Away

Think of it in comparison to HIV. There are ways to prevent and control the disease, but there is no way to completely erase it from the Earth. It is just something that we are going to have to live with. Anyways we do discover a vaccine at some point, scientists are predicting that we’re going to have to treat is very aggressively if we’re going to beat this thing. The way our lives are right now might become the new potential norm. But despite all of this there are some bright side to this situation.

Nature has been turning back to normal, there have been less fuel emissions, and people of been able to spend more time with their families. Everything happens for a reason, so we just all need to be patient and figure out why this happened to us. For the time being, continue to wear masks, social distance, And carry hand sanitizer at all times.

How do you guys feel after hearing this news? Feel free to tell us your thoughts in the comment section below. Let us know if your content you would like to see us cover. And as always, stay safe and have a good day.

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