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Why the Jon Snow Sequel Didn’t Make the Cut at HBO

Fan-favorite Kit Harington, known for the role of Jon Snow in “Game of Thrones,” has officially shut down rumors that a Jon Snow-centered show or spinoff is in the works. Harington told ScreenRant during a recent interview that the innovative team had stopped the project because writers couldn’t find a way to perfect the next big adventure for Jon Snow.

He said, “I hadn’t ever spoken about it because it was in development,” Harrington told Screen Rant. “I didn’t want it leaked out that it was being developed, and I didn’t want the thing to happen where people kind of start theorizing, getting either excited about it or hating the idea of it, when it may never happen.”

The creative team evaluated every angle and whether it was worth it. “Currently, it’s not,” he confessed. It’s off the table because we couldn’t find the right story to tell that we were all excited about enough. So, we decided to lay down tools with it for now.” Harington added.

Jon Snow spinoff Canceled

The hypothetical spinoff would narrate Jon Snow’s adventures following his fate in the primary series. However, in this case, it looks like it won’t be streamed on our televisions.

So, don’t worry, Game of Thrones fans: the universe has much more in store for you. The spinoff’s second season and the adaptation of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, based on George R.R. Martin’s Tales of Dunk and Egg, to name a few other thrilling projects.

Although Harington did not dismiss the possibility of revisiting the show sometime in the future, he said his alter ego was “firmly on the shelf.” He also said he was “just not that recognizable” in public anymore, jokingly adding that he would have to put on furs again. Maybe one day, when the story comes back to life, we see Jon Snow again on our screens. Until then, stay alert and always remember. Winter can come, but good stories take work.

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