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    Women Are Now Using AirTags as a Personal Safety Strategy

    Women have increasingly turned to technology to enhance their safety in recent years. One such emerging trend is using Apple AirTags as part of a personal safety strategy. These small tracking devices are attached to individual items, like keys or bags, under their wigs and allow the user to track where they are. Women use them to feel more secure and empowered when walking alone or in public.

    Apple introduced AirTags in 2021, and they have become very popular for tracking things and even sharing the location with other people. For instance, an AirTag installed in a wig would give solo travelers an added layer of security. Since their location is trackable, they will feel secure if need be. Whereas technologies like AirTags are undoubtedly helpful, neither can they help in totally stamping out a complex problem like human trafficking. Further, there needs to be a realization of broader efforts if trafficking is to be effectively combated.

    The AirTags use Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate with Apple devices in their vicinity, such as iPhones, iPads, and Macs. An AirTag near an Apple device connects to it. Using the Find My app, a user then pairs the AirTag with their Apple ID to associate that device with their account. Subsequently, it will broadcast its location data using BLE. At a later stage, this would be picked up by other Apple devices in the vicinity and relayed to Apple servers. This crowdsourced data does help a user track lost items, even when outside the range of their device. Furthermore, the Find My app provides visual and audio cues, making it possible for the user to pinpoint the location of their AirTag.

    While AirTags do have their share of advantages as a personal safety strategy, associated problems about privacy cannot go unnoticed. There have been reported incidents of people, mostly women, being unknowingly tracked down because someone has placed an AirTag inside their personal belongings. Considering the severe nature of such invasion into the realm of privacy and safety, this surely may be an issue that needs to be deliberated with more policies safeguarding users’ interests.

    Further, the shared location data from AirTags can be obtained by ill-minded people at the cost of the owner’s privacy and security. Moreover, there are chances that these tracking devices are going to be misused by stalkers or abusive partners to know the location and movements of their victims without their consent.

    In that regard, using AirTags with specific precautionary safety measures is recommended. Consumers must know the possibility of unwanted tracking and habitually inspect for any unknown AirTags attached to their items. In this regard, it is possible to get notified if an unknown AirTag is found moving along with a user after turning on “Item Safety Alerts” on Apple devices. For example, users who believe they are being tracked without their consent can turn off an unknown AirTag by removing its battery or rely on their Apple devices to detect and alert them to unknown AirTags.

    Non-consensual tracking incidents should be reported to authorities and Apple support for resolution of the issue and enhancement of safety measures. Keeping AirTags safe while not in use will help avert undesired access or attachment to personal items. Users must keep themselves updated on the latest safety features concerning AirTags and other tracking devices to make effective decisions about their usage.

    These tiny pieces of tracking devices give women a sense of safety and security while walking alone in streets or places. However, privacy concerns that these tracking devices, like AirTags, bear must properly consider other safety measures. By being informed and cautious, women can use technology to increase their safety on their own while keeping questions of privacy and consent safeguards in view.

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