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Brazil Rejects $20 million G-7 Aid Package To Fight Amazon Fires

Brazil rejected $20 million G-7 Aid Package, yes you read right!

Brazil has rejected $20 million in aid that the G-7 nations have pledged to help battle the raging Amazon rainforest fires, a government official said.

“We value [the offer], but perhaps those resources are better suited for reforesting Europe,” remarked Onyx Lorenzoni, Chief of Staff to President Jair Bolsonaro, in an interview with Brazilian news outlet G1.

Lorenzoni went on, alluding to the fire that consumed the Notre-Dame cathedral in April: “[French President Emmanuel] Macron couldn’t prevent a foreseeable fire in a historic church. What lessons does he aim to impart to our nation?”

Macron announced the funds along with Chilean President Sebastián Piñera on Monday during the gathering at the French seaside town of Biarritz.

Macron calls the Amazon the “lungs” of the planet, adding that leaders were also weighing the possibility of providing similar support to Africa. Which it has also been struggling with rain forest fires. Initially, Brazilian environment minister Ricardo Salles told reporters the country welcomes the funding to battle the fires.

But, that perspective changed quickly after a meeting between President Jair Bolsonaro.


Brazil rejects $20 million offer from G-7 countries to help fight Amazon fires

“Brazil is a democratic and independent nation, with no history of colonial or imperial actions, unlike the intentions of the French leader Macron,” commented Lorenzoni.

Sixty percent of the massive Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.

But, it also spreads over parts of eight other countries or territories.


Amazon rainforest on fire: ‘Lungs of the world’ in flames l Nightline

Also, including the French overseas territory of Guiana on the northeast coast of South America.

Bolsonaro, known for his skeptical view on climate change, has been slammed for his delayed response to the fires.

The debate over the fires has also inflamed tensions between Bolsonaro and Macron.

By the weekend, Brazilian warplanes were out in full force, dumping thousands of gallons of water on the smoldering areas.

Why is it a debate whether or not the fires should be put out? This is not just a brazil need, this is a world need.

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Featured Image: Tree Hugger

Lastly, be sure to keep visiting the Hypefresh site for more news on the culture!

Featured Image: Tree Hugger

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